Friday, January 11, 2013

2013 USMA 1970 Golf Tour Information and Hawaii Football Stuff

Classmates and Friends, Sorry to be late, but hot off the press is the letter and Reservation Form for our 23rd Class Golf Tour - Carlsbad, CA September 3-8, 2013. Please review the letter and if you can attend fill out the NEW Reservation Form (a bit "busy," but hopefully self-explanatory) covering all three (3) events. Some things to remember when filling out the form: You CAN fill it out, save it as a new file with your name in the and email it to me You CANNOT email me your check, or direct check-to-bank to me ... yet. But it should be here next year! Mail that in by March 15th. Put a "0" or a number in each of the yellow spaces on the Reservation Form - it does not auto-compute, yet, but in the works. Check the appropriate "Yes" and "No" boxes. Carlsbad golf, dinners, mulligans, and Class Scramble - you do NOT need to do the indicated computations on the form - unless you want to South Padre: Coming? Yes or No, and if Yes - an Arrival Date Army-Hawai'i Football in November Order football tickets (Yes or No) Plan to come (Yes or No) and Arrival Date Prefer to play golf on 1 or more days Before, After, or Both (# of days you want to play would be helpful, too, now that I think of it) I need a number of people participating on the CA Tour, and Yes/No answers on the other two. Any balance you have on account with me will be shown under account balance ("+$27" means you have $27 stored with me - A minus number means you owe more) Some of you pay more than the $150 deposit, so just write that number in. Class Scramble will be paid for on the Reservation Form this year - unless one of you wants to collect it Mulligans will be collected on the Reservation Form, also. That means you will order them, but not actually pay for them until the final bill. Again, unless you want to collect the mulligan money. I know, I'm taking too long to explain the letter, but there are a lot of things going on this year and several changes to the way we do business - bear with me. And, now that we have two grandsons you all have 50% less priority!!! If you need more info on the grandsons, I'll send you the Christmas Letter. Thanks to those of you that sent birthday wishes on Facebook - I don't visit there much (nor the networking sites), but may later on. I won't use the bully pulpit very often, but I'm getting tired of NO one taking any responsibility for ANY thing. I know why I got turned out and it was MY fault! Happy New Year!! ATTACHED FILE Jim Crawford PS: My email list is pretty much up-to-date, but if you see someone missing, either forward it to them or tell me their email address. However, I can only send to 1/2 of you at one time.

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