I teach part time (Graduate Cybersecurity, online) for UMUC, and thought you might like to see this message from the College President concerning the passing of General John W. Vessey Jr.:
Dear Colleagues,
It is with a profound sense of loss that I write to inform you that Gen. John W. Vessey Jr. (U.S. Army, Ret.)—a 1963 graduate of UMUC, the first chair of our Board of Visitors, and the 10th chair of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff—passed away last night at his home in North Oaks, Minnesota. He was 94.
Gen. Vessey’s career and service to our country are legendary. He purposely misrepresented his age in order to enlist in the Minnesota National Guard at 16 years old and received a battlefield commission in World War II. He went on to earn his bachelor’s degree in military science from UMUC—then still a branch of what is now University of Maryland, College Park—as a 41-year-old lieutenant colonel, and graduated as a colonel in 1970 from Army Helicopter School, its oldest student by 15 years.
In 1976, he achieved the rank of general, and in 1982 became the country’s highest ranking military officer when President Ronald Reagan appointed him chair of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff—the rarest of honors for one who began his career as an enlisted man. When he retired in 1985, after 46 years of service, he ranked as the longest serving member of the U.S. Army.
Gen. Vessey continued his legacy of service well into retirement, returning to Vietnam repeatedly as a special envoy of Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, to investigate the fates of American servicemembers who were listed as missing in action or prisoners of war. His negotiations with Hanoi in 1988 led to Pentagon teams being granted permission to search in country, retrieving the remains of some 900 military personnel over the space of two decades.
A lifelong advocate of education, Gen. Vessey said that he tried to pattern his own life after a lecture—entitled “The Five Evidences of an Education,” by the American philosopher, diplomat, and educator Nicholas Murray Butler—that he first heard discussed in a UMUC classroom. The lecture praised the correct use of language, refined and gentle dealings with fellow human beings, the power and habit of reflection, the power to grow, and the power to act with efficiency and effectiveness.
Today, the General John W. Vessey Jr. Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to degree-seeking students of UMUC’s Undergraduate School, with preference given to Purple Heart recipients, active duty military personnel and members of their immediate families, military personnel who are currently transitioning to civilian life, and students with demonstrated financial need.
Gen. Vessey will long be remembered as UMUC’s most distinguished alumnus, and rightfully so. His life of service and commitment to the men and women who wear the uniform of our country stand as a reminder of the importance of our mission, of the power of education to change lives, and as an inspiration to women and men everywhere who aspire to lead with integrity, courage, and grace. He will be deeply missed.
Javier Miyares
University of Maryland University College
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Friday, August 19, 2016
USMA 1920 - Our 50 Year Affiliate Class If AOG Had That Program Back in 1970 !
Attached (some screen shots displayed below; the complete Excel file is attached) is a compilation of information on our Affiliation Class of 1920 that I was able to compile. A very unique class in a very dynamic time. I thought it might be of interest to you.
It was compiled from "The Register of Graduates" and two pamphlets I found on e-Bay that were produced by the Class of 1920 sometime around July of 1970.
One of the documents is a 6" x 9" 31-page pamphlet entitled "WEST POINT CLASS of 1920 (FIFTY YEARS LATER)."
The other is an 8.5" x 11" 44-page pamphlet entitled " DIRECTORY CLASS OF 1920 UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY 1 JULY 1970"
Both of these pamphlets contained a much personal information on the class not found in the Register.
Until I pulled through the data, I had no idea what an interesting class this was - from who was Superintendent to who gave the Graduation speech. The summary tab is, perhaps, the best read.
Sorry I missed you at the Marchback. I thought it was a very well planned event to include the weather.
Best regards,
Bob Newman D1

It was compiled from "The Register of Graduates" and two pamphlets I found on e-Bay that were produced by the Class of 1920 sometime around July of 1970.
One of the documents is a 6" x 9" 31-page pamphlet entitled "WEST POINT CLASS of 1920 (FIFTY YEARS LATER)."
The other is an 8.5" x 11" 44-page pamphlet entitled " DIRECTORY CLASS OF 1920 UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY 1 JULY 1970"
Both of these pamphlets contained a much personal information on the class not found in the Register.
Until I pulled through the data, I had no idea what an interesting class this was - from who was Superintendent to who gave the Graduation speech. The summary tab is, perhaps, the best read.
Sorry I missed you at the Marchback. I thought it was a very well planned event to include the weather.
Best regards,
Bob Newman D1

Thursday, August 18, 2016
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Army Scholarship Foundation Announces Scholarship Awards for 2016-2017 Academic Year
Release date: 1 August 2016
For more information contact: Jeff Gault 703-599-8029 or Jeff.Gault@ArmyScholarshipFoundation.org
Army Scholarship Foundation Announces Scholarship Awards for 2016-2017 Academic Year
The Army Scholarship Foundation announced today the award of one hundred and three scholarships to children of US Army soldiers and veterans and spouses of active duty enlisted soldiers. Scholarships for the 2016-2017 academic year were awarded to deserving Army family members as follows:
The Captain Jennifer Schafer-Odom Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Dakota Sabotka of West Point, NY. Dakota is the daughter of Sergeant First Class Daniel Sabotka. He is stationed at the US Military Academy at West Point. Dakota is a sophomore at Rochester Institute of Technology majoring in Biomedical Engineering. Jennifer Shafer Odom grew up in Knoxville, MD. She graduated from the US Military Academy in 1992. As an Army aviator she served in the US and Europe, where she supported both Kurdish refugee and Bosnia missions. With the 204th Military Intelligence BN at Ft Bliss, TX in 1999, her aircraft was reported missing while flying counter drug missions over Columbia, South America. She and her crew were lost.
The Lieutenant Scott Love Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Kaitlyn Bush of Copperas Cove, TX. Kaitlyn’s mother is Sergeant First Class Tina Bush, US Army retired. Kaitlyn is a sophomore at the University of North Texas where she is majoring in theater and film. First Lieutenant Scott Love was killed in action in 2006 while serving in
Operation Iraqi Freedom. Scott Love was an “Army brat” who was born at Fort Campbell, KY and attended high school in Huntsville, AL. He graduated from Florida State University and enlisted in the Army in 1999. In 2003, he attended Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, and was subsequently assigned as a platoon leader with 2nd Battalion, 6th Infantry at Baumholder, Germany. His unit deployed to Kuwait in 2005 with Scott's platoon assigned to Task Force 1-35 Armor when he was killed at Ar Ramadi, Iraq.
The Sergeant Andrew Topham Memorial Scholarship to Emily Woolard of Greensboro, NC. Emily is the daughter of Sergeant Joe Wollard who served as with 1st Battalion, 113th Field Artillery. She is a senior at Meredith College in Raleigh, NC majoring in Biology, Public Health
Release date: 1 August 2016
For more information contact: Jeff Gault 703-599-8029 or Jeff.Gault@ArmyScholarshipFoundation.org
Army Scholarship Foundation Announces Scholarship Awards for 2016-2017 Academic Year
The Army Scholarship Foundation announced today the award of one hundred and three scholarships to children of US Army soldiers and veterans and spouses of active duty enlisted soldiers. Scholarships for the 2016-2017 academic year were awarded to deserving Army family members as follows:
The Captain Jennifer Schafer-Odom Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Dakota Sabotka of West Point, NY. Dakota is the daughter of Sergeant First Class Daniel Sabotka. He is stationed at the US Military Academy at West Point. Dakota is a sophomore at Rochester Institute of Technology majoring in Biomedical Engineering. Jennifer Shafer Odom grew up in Knoxville, MD. She graduated from the US Military Academy in 1992. As an Army aviator she served in the US and Europe, where she supported both Kurdish refugee and Bosnia missions. With the 204th Military Intelligence BN at Ft Bliss, TX in 1999, her aircraft was reported missing while flying counter drug missions over Columbia, South America. She and her crew were lost.
The Lieutenant Scott Love Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Kaitlyn Bush of Copperas Cove, TX. Kaitlyn’s mother is Sergeant First Class Tina Bush, US Army retired. Kaitlyn is a sophomore at the University of North Texas where she is majoring in theater and film. First Lieutenant Scott Love was killed in action in 2006 while serving in
Operation Iraqi Freedom. Scott Love was an “Army brat” who was born at Fort Campbell, KY and attended high school in Huntsville, AL. He graduated from Florida State University and enlisted in the Army in 1999. In 2003, he attended Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, and was subsequently assigned as a platoon leader with 2nd Battalion, 6th Infantry at Baumholder, Germany. His unit deployed to Kuwait in 2005 with Scott's platoon assigned to Task Force 1-35 Armor when he was killed at Ar Ramadi, Iraq.
The Sergeant Andrew Topham Memorial Scholarship to Emily Woolard of Greensboro, NC. Emily is the daughter of Sergeant Joe Wollard who served as with 1st Battalion, 113th Field Artillery. She is a senior at Meredith College in Raleigh, NC majoring in Biology, Public Health
and Psychology. Sergeant Andrew Topham grew up in Randolph, Massachusetts. He was a
highly decorated soldier, awarded the Bronze Star for service in Operation Enduring Freedom in
Afghanistan. In addition he earned the Army Commendation Medal, Achievement Medal, Good
Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Iraq Campaign
Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal,
NCO Professional Development Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon and the Overseas Ribbon.
The Lieutenant General Jack Costello Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Ms. Amanda Leasure. Amanda is the daughter of Captain William Leasure who is assigned to the 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade in Korea. Amanda graduated from Camp Humphreys HS and will enter Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA in the fall majoring in Biology. LTG Jack Costello was born in Pottsville, PA and commissioned upon graduation from the Citadel. He served in the 82d Airborne Division and in Vietnam. He commanded the 2d Battalion, 59th Air Defense Artillery, the 35th ADA Brigade, 32d Army Air Defense Command, the ADA School and Ft Bliss, TX, and the US Army Space & Missile Defense Command. Upon retirement, he joined the Raytheon Company where he led Network Centric Systems Strategic Planning and Business Development operations and the company’s Improvised Explosive Device Defeat efforts.
The Colonel Urey Woodson Alexander Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Ms. Nelcy Avila of Waldorf, MD. Nelcy attended Wiesbaden American HS in Germany and is a sophomore at Salisbury University studying Education. Nelcy is the daughter of Chief Warrant Officer 5 Fernando Avila-Gonzalez. CW5 Avila-Gonzales is assigned with the Army Priority Air Transport Command at Andrews AFB. Colonel Urey W. Alexander was commissioned from West Point in 1940. During WWII he commanded the 386th Field Artillery Battalion throughout the war, deployed the battalion to France and fought in Belgium, Holland, the Battle of the Bulge, and into Germany in 1945. He advised the Greek Army in their civil war with the Communists in 1950, and served as US Military Attaché to Poland. He commanded the 35th Artillery Group in Germany and retired from the faculty at the Army War College in Carlisle. Upon Army retirement, he served as Business Manager of Dickinson College School of Law.
The Lieutenant Keirn C. Brown Memorial Scholarship is awarded to Jessica Bortner of Dayton, TX. She is the daughter Sergeant Janice Bortner who retired from the Texas National Guard. Janice is a senior at Texas A&M University at Galveston majoring in Marine Biology. Lieutenant Keirn C. Brown grew up in Niagara County, New York, graduated from the University of Rochester and was called to active duty with his National Guard unit in 1940. He participated in every major European Campaign including the invasion of North Africa, Anzio, and the Colmar Pocket and Saarland. He rose to the rank of Master Sergeant before earning a battlefield commission. After the war, he became a member of the Foreign Service and served around the world as a diplomat and senior State Department executive.
The Lieutenant Colonel J. Allan Green Memorial Scholarship is awarded to Mr. Garrett Wise of Harker Heights, Texas. Garrett is the son of Staff Sergeant Andy Wise. SSG Wise is deployed in Afghanistan with the 7th Special Forces Group. Garrett is a sophomore at the University of North Texas in Denton. Lieutenant Colonel J. Allan Green joined the Army as a private in 1944 during World War II. He later completed Officer Candidate School and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Armor. He served in the Korean War, where he was wounded and awarded the Purple Heart. He also served in Vietnam. LTC Green retired from the Army in 1972 after 28 years of service. He entered the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin and upon completion of his studies was ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church.
The Perot Family Scholarship was awarded to Paige Seydler of Castorland, NY. Paige is
the daughter of Master Sergeant Alfred Seydler. She is a senior at Marist College in
Poughkeepsie, NY, majoring in Biology. The Perot Family and the Hillwood Corporation,
which is a Perot Family Enterprise, are strong supporters of Army families. They are dedicated
to assisting our military and to promoting educational opportunities for Army family members.
The Johnny Mac Soldiers Fund Memorial Scholarship awarded to Cedric Craig of Raeford, NC. He is the son of SFC Cedric R. Craig, US Army retired. Cedric will enter NC State University and major in History. The Johnny Mac Soldiers Fund is inspired by Colonel John “Johnny Mac” McHugh, killed in action in Afghanistan on May 18, 2010, leaving behind a family of five children. The Fund’s mission is family—to give back through education to those who have given so much. Since inception in 2014, the Fund has awarded $3.5 million in college scholarships to veterans and military children and spouses.
The Chaplain (Colonel) Wesley V. Geary Memorial Scholarship to Tyler Tanguay of Junction City, KS. Tyler graduated from Saint Xavier Catholic HS and will enter Benedictine College in Atchison, KS. He is the son of retired Chief Warrant Officer 3 Joseph Tanguay. Colonel (Chaplain) Geary grew up in Pampa, TX, and attended SMU School of Divinity. After serving several congregations, he joined the Army. Assigned to the 1st Infantry Division in Vietnam, he received two Purple Hearts. He was also Brigade Chaplain, 4th Infantry Div, Asst V Corps Chaplain in Germany; 101st Airborne Division Chaplain; Command Chaplain Ft Riley, Command Chaplain, US Forces Korea, and III Corps Chaplain, Ft. Hood. Upon retirement, he was active in various ministry activities in Texas.
The 173d Airborne Honorary Scholarship to Dillon Luedtke of Fayetteville, NC. Dillon is a senior at the Citadel in Charleston, SC majoring in History. Dillon is the son of Sergeant Major Frank Luedtke, who is assigned with the 319th Field Artillery Regiment at Fort Bragg, NC. He served previously with the 173d in Italy.
The KBR Honorary Scholarship is awarded to Chelsey Bullock of Vilseck, Germany. Chelsey is the spouse of Sergeant Kristopher Bullock who is stationed with the 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment in Germany. She is a junior at Sam Houston State University where she is majoring in Business Administration. KBR is headquartered in Houston, Texas. KBR is a leading global engineering, construction, and services company supporting government services, energy, petrochemicals, and civil infrastructure sectors. The company operates in locations including Australia, Africa, the UK, Asia and the Middle East.
The BAE Systems Honorary Scholarship was is awarded to Jessica Barnes of Ft Greely, AK. Jessica is the spouse of Specialist Matthew Barnes who is with the 49th Missile Defense Battalion at Ft Greely. She is a senior at Missouri Western State University in St Joseph, MO, where she is majoring in Health Management. BAE Systems is headquartered in Arlington, VA. They provide support and service solutions for defense, intelligence, and civilian systems, and design, develop and manufacture a wide range of electronic systems and subsystems for both military and commercial applications. They also design, develop, produce, and provide service support of armored combat vehicles, artillery systems and intelligent munitions.
The Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems Scholarship is awarded to Katlynn Dillon of Leesville, LA. She is married to Sergeant Shamarcus Dillon who is with the 509th Infantry at Ft Polk. She is a senior at Northwestern St Univ at Natchitoches, LA majoring in Social Work. Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, headquartered in Redondo Beach, California, is an
The Johnny Mac Soldiers Fund Memorial Scholarship awarded to Cedric Craig of Raeford, NC. He is the son of SFC Cedric R. Craig, US Army retired. Cedric will enter NC State University and major in History. The Johnny Mac Soldiers Fund is inspired by Colonel John “Johnny Mac” McHugh, killed in action in Afghanistan on May 18, 2010, leaving behind a family of five children. The Fund’s mission is family—to give back through education to those who have given so much. Since inception in 2014, the Fund has awarded $3.5 million in college scholarships to veterans and military children and spouses.
The Chaplain (Colonel) Wesley V. Geary Memorial Scholarship to Tyler Tanguay of Junction City, KS. Tyler graduated from Saint Xavier Catholic HS and will enter Benedictine College in Atchison, KS. He is the son of retired Chief Warrant Officer 3 Joseph Tanguay. Colonel (Chaplain) Geary grew up in Pampa, TX, and attended SMU School of Divinity. After serving several congregations, he joined the Army. Assigned to the 1st Infantry Division in Vietnam, he received two Purple Hearts. He was also Brigade Chaplain, 4th Infantry Div, Asst V Corps Chaplain in Germany; 101st Airborne Division Chaplain; Command Chaplain Ft Riley, Command Chaplain, US Forces Korea, and III Corps Chaplain, Ft. Hood. Upon retirement, he was active in various ministry activities in Texas.
The 173d Airborne Honorary Scholarship to Dillon Luedtke of Fayetteville, NC. Dillon is a senior at the Citadel in Charleston, SC majoring in History. Dillon is the son of Sergeant Major Frank Luedtke, who is assigned with the 319th Field Artillery Regiment at Fort Bragg, NC. He served previously with the 173d in Italy.
The KBR Honorary Scholarship is awarded to Chelsey Bullock of Vilseck, Germany. Chelsey is the spouse of Sergeant Kristopher Bullock who is stationed with the 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment in Germany. She is a junior at Sam Houston State University where she is majoring in Business Administration. KBR is headquartered in Houston, Texas. KBR is a leading global engineering, construction, and services company supporting government services, energy, petrochemicals, and civil infrastructure sectors. The company operates in locations including Australia, Africa, the UK, Asia and the Middle East.
The BAE Systems Honorary Scholarship was is awarded to Jessica Barnes of Ft Greely, AK. Jessica is the spouse of Specialist Matthew Barnes who is with the 49th Missile Defense Battalion at Ft Greely. She is a senior at Missouri Western State University in St Joseph, MO, where she is majoring in Health Management. BAE Systems is headquartered in Arlington, VA. They provide support and service solutions for defense, intelligence, and civilian systems, and design, develop and manufacture a wide range of electronic systems and subsystems for both military and commercial applications. They also design, develop, produce, and provide service support of armored combat vehicles, artillery systems and intelligent munitions.
The Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems Scholarship is awarded to Katlynn Dillon of Leesville, LA. She is married to Sergeant Shamarcus Dillon who is with the 509th Infantry at Ft Polk. She is a senior at Northwestern St Univ at Natchitoches, LA majoring in Social Work. Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, headquartered in Redondo Beach, California, is an
approximately $10 Billion business and is a premier provider of manned and unmanned aircraft,
space systems and advanced technologies critical to our nation’s security.
The USAA Honorary Scholarship was awarded to Miranda Navarro of Chubbuck, Idaho.
She is the daughter of Chief Warrant Officer 2 Anthony Navarro, with 4th Sustainment Command in Kuwait. Miranda is a freshman at Seattle University majoring in Business. Since 1922, USAA has proudly served and supported military members and their families.
The Association of the US Army Audie Murphy North Texas Chapter Honorary Scholarship was awarded to Chrissherra Mills of Converse, Texas. Chrissherra is the daughter of First Sergeant & Mrs. Christopher Mills. 1SG Mills is assigned to Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, TX. She is a sophomore at Baylor majoring in Biology.
The General Dynamics Corporation Honorary Scholarship to Meagan Hilty of Clymer, PA. Meagan is a junior majoring in Biology at St Francis University in Loretto, PA. She is the daughter of retired Master Sergeant Dan Hilty. General Dynamics is located in Falls Church, VA, and is a market leader in business aviation, land & expeditionary combat vehicles and systems, armaments and munitions, shipbuilding and marine systems, and mission-critical information systems and technology.
The Master Sergeant Neal Benson Elbit Systems Honorary Scholarship is awarded to Alexis Baker of Lonoke, AR. Alexis is the daughter of Sergeant Ronald W. Baker,
who was killed in action while with the 39th Support Battalion of the First Cavalry Division in Iraq in 2004. She resides with her mother, Joanne C. Baker. Alexis is a sophomore at the University of Arkansas, majoring in Biology. Master Sergeant Neal Benson is a current Elbit Systems employee and US Army soldier. MSG Benson enlisted in the Army during Desert Storm and served three combat deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq with Special Forces units. He was severely wounded in 2007 in Afghanistan, but following a long recovery, returned to active duty for deployment to Iraq. He serves as an inspiration and role model to all those who come in contact with him. Elbit Systems of America in Fort Worth is a subsidiary of Elbit Systems Ltd. Elbit Systems of America delivers commercial aviation, defense, homeland security and medical instrumentation products for the North American market.
The Bell Helicopter Honorary Scholarship to Teliza Henderson of Youngsville, NC. She is the daughter of retired Staff Sergeant Derrick Carroll. She is entering UNC Greensboro to major in Political Science. Bell Helicopter is headquartered in Ft Worth, Texas. Bell Helicopter was founded in 1935 as Bell Aircraft Corporation. Bell Helicopter continues to set the pace for the industry and expand the scope of vertical lift. An industry leader with unmatched name recognition, Bell Helicopter was the first to obtain commercial certification for a helicopter. Over its rich 80-year history, Bell Helicopter has delivered more than 35,000 aircraft to our customers around the world.
The Mary Kay Corporation Honorary Scholarship to Amber Nicole Navarrete-Gonzalez of San Antonio, TX. Amber will enter the University of Texas at Austin this fall. She is the daughter of Captain Felix Navarrete who served at Fort Sill. The Mary Kay Corporation was founded over 50 years ago by Mary Kay Ash to inspire women to transform their lives and in doing so, help others achieve success. Mary Kay has over 3.5 million independent beauty consultants, offering more than 200 products in more than 35 countries around the world. Mary
Kay has a powerful legacy of giving back to the global community, and is proud to support US
Army families.
Fluor Corporation Honorary Scholarships were awarded to eleven Army family member students. For more than 100 years, Fluor has partnered with clients to design, build, and maintain many of the world's most challenging and complex capital projects. Through its global network, Fluor's 43,000 employees provide comprehensive capabilities and world-class expertise in engineering, procurement, construction, operations, maintenance, and project management. Today, the company serves a global client base in the energy, chemicals, government, industrial, infrastructure, operations and maintenance, manufacturing and life sciences, mining, power and transportation sectors.
Fluor Corporation Honorary Scholarships were awarded to:
Tony Betton of Jonesboro, GA. Tony is the son of Sergeant First Class (retired) Sheryl Betton
of Jonesboro. Tony is a junior at Georgia State University where he majors in Journalism.
Kaitlin Bruneau of Greenville, SC. Kaitlin is the daughter of Sergeant Major Louis Bruneau who is stationed in US Army Europe. She is a senior at Furman University studying Health Science and Pre Med.
Frances Dean of Richardson, Texas. Frances’ father is retired Sergeant First Class Darryl Dean. She is a junior at the University of Georgia majoring in Public Health.
Venus Cariaso of Fountain, CO. Venus is the daughter of Master Sergeant Warren Cariaso of the 71st Ordinance Group at Ft Carson. Venus will study Mathematics at Colorado State University.
Ayden Carpenter of Gilmanton, NH. Ayden is the daughter of Captain Robert Carpenter of the 197th Field Artillery Brigade in NH. Ayden will study Mechanical Engineering and Physics at Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA.
Ty Harper of Sherman, TX. Ty is the son of former Sergeant Katie Baillio. He will study Nursing at Baylor University in Waco, TX.
Kelsey Harris of Tacoma, WA. Kelsey is the spouse of Sergeant Michael Harris who is with the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2d Infantry Division at Ft Lewis. Kelsey is a sophomore majoring in Accounting at Western Governors University in Salt Lake City.
Lindsay Iserman of Fort Sill, OK. Lindsay is the spouse of Staff Sergeant Joshua Schmidt who is assigned to 4th Battalion 3d Air Defense Artillery at Ft Sill. She is a sophomore majoring in Business at the University of Maryland.
Celena Krieg of Louisville, OH. Celena is the daughter of Sergeant First Class William Lawrence, who is deceased. She will study Nursing at Stark State College in North Canton, OH.
Omaralys Lara-Garcia of Hinesville, GA. Omaralys is the daughter of former Specialist Jose Lara-Hernandez. She is a sophomore at Georgia Southern University majoring in Nursing.
Kelsey Waters of Highland Falls, New York. Kelsey is the daughter of Colonel Glenn Waters,
who was wounded in action in Iraq and is currently stationed at Fort Sill, OK. Kelsey is a senior
at the Fashion Institute of Technology majoring in Fashion Merchandising.
The Army Scholarship Foundation announced additional awards of seventy two scholarships to deserving children of US Army soldiers and veterans and spouses of active duty enlisted soldiers. Scholarships were awarded to:
Mercedes Briddell of El Paso, TX. Mercedes is the daughter of Master Sergeant Jenry Briddell of 3d Bn 43d ADA at Ft Bliss. Mercedes is a junior at Arizona State University where she majors in Business.
Johanna Burr of Atlanta, GA is the daughter of former Specialist Todd Burr who served at Fort Campbell, KY. She is a sophomore at Ohio Wesleyan in Delaware, OH majoring in Spanish. Carissa Carlin of Humboldt, Nebraska. Her father served with 3d Bn, 69th Armor at Fort Stewart. She in a sophomore at the University of Nebraska studying Radiation Science.
Kierin Johnson of Ft Bragg, NC, spouse of Sergeant Justin Borquez assigned to the1st Bn 505th Infantry. Kierin is a senior at Fayetteville Technical College studying dental hygiene. McKayla Kraft of Whispering Pines, NC, who is the daughter of Master Sergeant Ryan Kraft, retired. Monika is a sophomore at East Carolina University majoring in Exercise Physiology Cassie Burks of Fort Carson, CO, who is the spouse of Specialist James Burks, assigned to 4th Engineer Brigade. She will enter Indiana Wesleyan University majoring in Science.
Brittany Dowling of Ewa Beach, HI, who is the spouse of Staff Sergeant Scott Dowling, assigned to 548th Transportation at Hickam AFB. She is a junior at Hawaii Pacific University. Meaghan Driscoll-Avilla of Hope Mills, NC, who is the spouse of Specialist Jacob Avilla, assigned to the Special Warfare Center at Ft Bragg. She is a senior at the University of Md majoring in Psychology.
Julia Kyser of Wahiawa, HI, who is the spouse of Specialist Randall Kyser, assigned to 25th Infantry Division at Schofield Barracks. She is a sophomore at American Public University majoring in Business.
Kenndera Rediske of Ft Wainwright, AK, who is the spouse of Specialist Tyler Rediske, assigned to 3d Battalion 21st Infantry. She is a sophomore at the University of AK majoring in radiology.
Lakenya Scott of Fayetteville, NC, who is the spouse of Staff Sergeant Mark Scott, assigned to the 15th Engineer Battalion in Korea. She is a senior at the University of MD majoring in Biology and Psychology.
Brook Thurman of Lincoln, NE, who is the spouse of Private First Class Zach Thurman, assigned to the 82d Airborne at Ft Bragg, NC. She is senior at Bryan College in Lincoln, NE majoring in Cardiac & Vascular Sonography.
Elizabeth Yessman of Fort Sill, OK, the spouse of Sergeant Ryan Yessman, assigned to 2d Battalion 2d Field Artillery. She is a junior at the University of Oklahoma majoring in nursing. Katelyn Boswell of Asheboro, NC. She is the daughter of former Specialist Matthew Boswell. Katelyn UNC Greensboro in the fall.
Ashleigh Bullard of Gonzales, TX, who is the daughter of retired Sergeant First Class Johathan Bullard. She is a junior at Sophomore at Texas Lutheran University.
Karli Bullington of Lewisburg, TN. Her father is retired Lieutenant Colonel Kurt Bullington.
She is entering BYU Idaho in Rexburg, ID majoring in Biology.
Alina Burch of Waterloo, Iowa, who is the daughter of retired Staff Sergeant Kent Pollock. Alina is entering the University of Northern Iowa, to study marine biology.
Clara Chang of Chesapeake, VA, who is the daughter of former Captain Danny Chang. Clara is entering St Mary’s College in Notre Dame, IN majoring in Science.
The Army Scholarship Foundation announced additional awards of seventy two scholarships to deserving children of US Army soldiers and veterans and spouses of active duty enlisted soldiers. Scholarships were awarded to:
Mercedes Briddell of El Paso, TX. Mercedes is the daughter of Master Sergeant Jenry Briddell of 3d Bn 43d ADA at Ft Bliss. Mercedes is a junior at Arizona State University where she majors in Business.
Johanna Burr of Atlanta, GA is the daughter of former Specialist Todd Burr who served at Fort Campbell, KY. She is a sophomore at Ohio Wesleyan in Delaware, OH majoring in Spanish. Carissa Carlin of Humboldt, Nebraska. Her father served with 3d Bn, 69th Armor at Fort Stewart. She in a sophomore at the University of Nebraska studying Radiation Science.
Kierin Johnson of Ft Bragg, NC, spouse of Sergeant Justin Borquez assigned to the1st Bn 505th Infantry. Kierin is a senior at Fayetteville Technical College studying dental hygiene. McKayla Kraft of Whispering Pines, NC, who is the daughter of Master Sergeant Ryan Kraft, retired. Monika is a sophomore at East Carolina University majoring in Exercise Physiology Cassie Burks of Fort Carson, CO, who is the spouse of Specialist James Burks, assigned to 4th Engineer Brigade. She will enter Indiana Wesleyan University majoring in Science.
Brittany Dowling of Ewa Beach, HI, who is the spouse of Staff Sergeant Scott Dowling, assigned to 548th Transportation at Hickam AFB. She is a junior at Hawaii Pacific University. Meaghan Driscoll-Avilla of Hope Mills, NC, who is the spouse of Specialist Jacob Avilla, assigned to the Special Warfare Center at Ft Bragg. She is a senior at the University of Md majoring in Psychology.
Julia Kyser of Wahiawa, HI, who is the spouse of Specialist Randall Kyser, assigned to 25th Infantry Division at Schofield Barracks. She is a sophomore at American Public University majoring in Business.
Kenndera Rediske of Ft Wainwright, AK, who is the spouse of Specialist Tyler Rediske, assigned to 3d Battalion 21st Infantry. She is a sophomore at the University of AK majoring in radiology.
Lakenya Scott of Fayetteville, NC, who is the spouse of Staff Sergeant Mark Scott, assigned to the 15th Engineer Battalion in Korea. She is a senior at the University of MD majoring in Biology and Psychology.
Brook Thurman of Lincoln, NE, who is the spouse of Private First Class Zach Thurman, assigned to the 82d Airborne at Ft Bragg, NC. She is senior at Bryan College in Lincoln, NE majoring in Cardiac & Vascular Sonography.
Elizabeth Yessman of Fort Sill, OK, the spouse of Sergeant Ryan Yessman, assigned to 2d Battalion 2d Field Artillery. She is a junior at the University of Oklahoma majoring in nursing. Katelyn Boswell of Asheboro, NC. She is the daughter of former Specialist Matthew Boswell. Katelyn UNC Greensboro in the fall.
Ashleigh Bullard of Gonzales, TX, who is the daughter of retired Sergeant First Class Johathan Bullard. She is a junior at Sophomore at Texas Lutheran University.
Karli Bullington of Lewisburg, TN. Her father is retired Lieutenant Colonel Kurt Bullington.
She is entering BYU Idaho in Rexburg, ID majoring in Biology.
Alina Burch of Waterloo, Iowa, who is the daughter of retired Staff Sergeant Kent Pollock. Alina is entering the University of Northern Iowa, to study marine biology.
Clara Chang of Chesapeake, VA, who is the daughter of former Captain Danny Chang. Clara is entering St Mary’s College in Notre Dame, IN majoring in Science.
(Page 7 Continued)
Christine Ciccone of Margate, FL. Christine is the daughter of former Specialist Matthew
Ciccone. She is a junior at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA.
Matthew Clark of Lawrenceburg, KY. He is the son of former Specialist Tanya Clark. He is a sophomore at Eastern Kentucky University majoring in Aviation and emergency medical care. Grace Comley of Millersburg, OH. She is the daughter of former Specialist John Comley. Grace will attend St Bonaventure University in NY majoring in International Studies.
Katelynn Cook of Carthage, NC. She is the daughter of Sergeant Major James Cook assigned to US Army Special Operations Command at Ft Bragg. She is entering Southern Wesleyan University majoring in education.
Peter Cook of Toledo, OH who is the son of former Specialist Greg Cook. Peter is a senior at Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, OH majoring in Exercise Science.
Camden Davis of Vail, AZ, who is the daughter of Chief Warrant Officer 3 Charles Davis, serving with the 304th Military Intelligence Battalion at Ft Huachuca. She is entering Northern Arizona University at Flagstaff, AZ.
Keisha Deeds of Ardmore, PA, the daughter of Specialist Michael Deeds, who is deceased. Keisha is a sophomore at Newmann University in Aston, PA.
William Dyer of Newman Grove, NE. William is the son of Sergeant Peter Matson with the 189th Transportation Company, NE NG. He is a freshman at Wayne State College majoring in construction management.
Tyler Ehrig of Bulverde, TX. He is the son of retired Master Sergeant Bobby Ehrig. Tyler is a sophomore at UT San Antonio.
Kira Finan of Cape Coral, FL, who is daughter of retired Sergeant First Class Gerald Finan. She is a junior at Simmons College in Boston studying Economics.
Olivia Finan of Cape Coral, FL, who is daughter of retired Sergeant First Class Gerald Finan. She is a junior at Simmons College in Boston studying Economics.
Elye Gaccione of Allen, TX. She is the daughter of former Captain Marcus Gaccione. She will enter the University of Oklahoma, majoring in biology.
Michael Holt of Stuart, VA, son of former Specialist Jeffrey Tankersley. Michael will enter Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA to study Consumer Science.
Madalyn Jacobs of Eltopia, WA Madalyn is the daughter of retired Major James Jacobs. She is a freshman at Whitworth University, WA, majoring in Education.
Hailey Johns of Orange Park, FL. She is the daughter of former Specialist. She will enter the University of South Florida to study psychology.
Alexander Katsiyiannis of Carlsbad, CA. He is the son of retired Colonel Dean Kassiyiannis. Alexander is a sophomore at UCal Riverside majoring in nursing.
Darion Keener of Elizabethtown, KY. He is the son of Sergeant First Class Christopher Keener who is assigned to Human Resources Command at Ft Knox. Darion will enter Centre College in Danville, KY and study Physical Therapy.
Emily Kent of Fayetteville, NC. She is the daughter of Lieutenant Colonel James Kent assigned to US Army Special Operations Command at Ft Bragg. Emily will study communications at the University of Alabama.
Abby Kinzer of Beckley, WV. She is the daughter of former Specialist Kevin Kinzer who served with the 25th Infantry Div. She will enter West Virginia University to study speech pathology. Nina Knight of Kaiserslautern, Germany. She is the daughter of Sergeant Major Edward Knight assigned to 7th Mission Support Command in Germany. She will study nursing at the University of Florida..
William Lacher of Apopka, FL. He is the son of retired CW2 William Lacher. He is a sophomore at University of North Florida in Jacksonville studying Music.
Matthew Clark of Lawrenceburg, KY. He is the son of former Specialist Tanya Clark. He is a sophomore at Eastern Kentucky University majoring in Aviation and emergency medical care. Grace Comley of Millersburg, OH. She is the daughter of former Specialist John Comley. Grace will attend St Bonaventure University in NY majoring in International Studies.
Katelynn Cook of Carthage, NC. She is the daughter of Sergeant Major James Cook assigned to US Army Special Operations Command at Ft Bragg. She is entering Southern Wesleyan University majoring in education.
Peter Cook of Toledo, OH who is the son of former Specialist Greg Cook. Peter is a senior at Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, OH majoring in Exercise Science.
Camden Davis of Vail, AZ, who is the daughter of Chief Warrant Officer 3 Charles Davis, serving with the 304th Military Intelligence Battalion at Ft Huachuca. She is entering Northern Arizona University at Flagstaff, AZ.
Keisha Deeds of Ardmore, PA, the daughter of Specialist Michael Deeds, who is deceased. Keisha is a sophomore at Newmann University in Aston, PA.
William Dyer of Newman Grove, NE. William is the son of Sergeant Peter Matson with the 189th Transportation Company, NE NG. He is a freshman at Wayne State College majoring in construction management.
Tyler Ehrig of Bulverde, TX. He is the son of retired Master Sergeant Bobby Ehrig. Tyler is a sophomore at UT San Antonio.
Kira Finan of Cape Coral, FL, who is daughter of retired Sergeant First Class Gerald Finan. She is a junior at Simmons College in Boston studying Economics.
Olivia Finan of Cape Coral, FL, who is daughter of retired Sergeant First Class Gerald Finan. She is a junior at Simmons College in Boston studying Economics.
Elye Gaccione of Allen, TX. She is the daughter of former Captain Marcus Gaccione. She will enter the University of Oklahoma, majoring in biology.
Michael Holt of Stuart, VA, son of former Specialist Jeffrey Tankersley. Michael will enter Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA to study Consumer Science.
Madalyn Jacobs of Eltopia, WA Madalyn is the daughter of retired Major James Jacobs. She is a freshman at Whitworth University, WA, majoring in Education.
Hailey Johns of Orange Park, FL. She is the daughter of former Specialist. She will enter the University of South Florida to study psychology.
Alexander Katsiyiannis of Carlsbad, CA. He is the son of retired Colonel Dean Kassiyiannis. Alexander is a sophomore at UCal Riverside majoring in nursing.
Darion Keener of Elizabethtown, KY. He is the son of Sergeant First Class Christopher Keener who is assigned to Human Resources Command at Ft Knox. Darion will enter Centre College in Danville, KY and study Physical Therapy.
Emily Kent of Fayetteville, NC. She is the daughter of Lieutenant Colonel James Kent assigned to US Army Special Operations Command at Ft Bragg. Emily will study communications at the University of Alabama.
Abby Kinzer of Beckley, WV. She is the daughter of former Specialist Kevin Kinzer who served with the 25th Infantry Div. She will enter West Virginia University to study speech pathology. Nina Knight of Kaiserslautern, Germany. She is the daughter of Sergeant Major Edward Knight assigned to 7th Mission Support Command in Germany. She will study nursing at the University of Florida..
William Lacher of Apopka, FL. He is the son of retired CW2 William Lacher. He is a sophomore at University of North Florida in Jacksonville studying Music.
Angele Latham of Bon Aqua, TN. She is the daughter of Master Sergeant Kenneth Latham
assigned to the Tennessee National Guard. She will enter Middle Tennessee State University
and study advertising.
Brett Leasure of Korea. He is the son of Captain William Leasure assigned to the 35th ADA
Brigade in Korea. He is a freshman at Sam Houston State University studying Criminal Justice.
Rickey Livingston of Charlotte, NC. He is the son of former Sergeant Rickey Livingston. He is
a senior at North Carolina State University majoring in Biology.
Samuel Lopez of Kansas City, MO. He is the son of Sergeant Patrick Lopez assigned to the 261st Signal at Ft Bliss, TX. He will study liberal arts at New St Andrews College in Moscow, ID. Tymber Long of Lincoln, NE. She is the daughter of retired Major Mark Long. She is a sophomore majoring in Behavioral Economics at Bentley University in Waltham, MA.
Justin McCord of Swissvale, PA. He is the son of former Private Birl McCord. He is a sophomore at the University of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia, PA.
Jordan McCorvey of Pineville, LA. She is the daughter of retired Sergeant First Class Jason McCorvey of the LA NG. She is a sophomore at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA.
Alexus McFarlane of Cameron, NC. She is the daughter of Master Sergeant Patricia McFarlane serving with the 16th MP Brigade. She is a junior at UNC Greensboro majoring in Business.
Trace Meshberg of Lehigh Acres, FL. He is the son of former Staff Sergeant Bruce Meshberg. He is entering the University of Central Florida in Orlando.
Quinn Mooldyk of Danville, CA. He is the son of Major Evan Mooldyk who died in Afghanistan. He is a sophomore at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
Seth Mooney of Frederickstown, MO. He is the son of Colonel Patrick Mooney serving with 75th Training Command. Seth will major in Computer Science at Texas A&M University.
Alicia Morgan of Somers CT. She is the daughter of Master Sergeant Daniel Morgan serving with 1st Bn 102d Infantry. She is a senior at Southern Connecticut University studying Early Childhood.
Sierra Mortimer of Milford KS. She is the daughter of retired Master Sergeant James Mortimer. She is entering Kansas University to major in Biochemestry.
Sierra Mullin of Nashua, NH. She is the daughter of retired Master Sergeant Edward Mullin. She is entering the University of New Hampshire in Durham.
Rachel Nelson of Colorado Springs, CO. She is the daughter of Colonel retired Brent Nelson. She is a senior at Creighton University majoring in Biology.
Megan Niemi of Charlottesville, VA. She is the daughter of retired Master Sergeant Sean Niemi. She is a junior at VA Commonwealth University studying Business and Finance. Christopher Olmstead of Buford, GA. He is the son of former Captain Margaret Olmstead. He is a junior at Kent State University in Kent, OH majoring in Applied Engineering.
Eli Ornelas-Lopez of Conroe, TX. He is the son of former Specialist Herman Lopez. He is a junior at Baylor University majoring in Sociology.
Morgan Peterson of Shares Chapel, TN. She is the daughter of retired First Sergeant Trevor Peterson. She is a senior majoring in Natural Resources Management at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC.
Brianna Reyes of Killeen, TX. She is the daughter of retired Staff Sergeant Guadalupe Reyes. She is a senior at the University of North Texas majoring in Regional Studies.
Angela Rideout of Newburgh, ME. She is the daughter of Chief Warrant Officer 4 Michael Rideout serving with 52d Troop Command in ME. She attends U of Maine studying Nursing. Rachel Rodriquez of Waianae, HI. She is the daughter of former Sergeant Trinidad Rodriques. She is a junior at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA.
Lacey Rouse of Dimondale, MI. She is the daughter of retired Staff Sergeant Jeffrey Rouse. She is a junior at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, MI.
Samuel Lopez of Kansas City, MO. He is the son of Sergeant Patrick Lopez assigned to the 261st Signal at Ft Bliss, TX. He will study liberal arts at New St Andrews College in Moscow, ID. Tymber Long of Lincoln, NE. She is the daughter of retired Major Mark Long. She is a sophomore majoring in Behavioral Economics at Bentley University in Waltham, MA.
Justin McCord of Swissvale, PA. He is the son of former Private Birl McCord. He is a sophomore at the University of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia, PA.
Jordan McCorvey of Pineville, LA. She is the daughter of retired Sergeant First Class Jason McCorvey of the LA NG. She is a sophomore at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA.
Alexus McFarlane of Cameron, NC. She is the daughter of Master Sergeant Patricia McFarlane serving with the 16th MP Brigade. She is a junior at UNC Greensboro majoring in Business.
Trace Meshberg of Lehigh Acres, FL. He is the son of former Staff Sergeant Bruce Meshberg. He is entering the University of Central Florida in Orlando.
Quinn Mooldyk of Danville, CA. He is the son of Major Evan Mooldyk who died in Afghanistan. He is a sophomore at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
Seth Mooney of Frederickstown, MO. He is the son of Colonel Patrick Mooney serving with 75th Training Command. Seth will major in Computer Science at Texas A&M University.
Alicia Morgan of Somers CT. She is the daughter of Master Sergeant Daniel Morgan serving with 1st Bn 102d Infantry. She is a senior at Southern Connecticut University studying Early Childhood.
Sierra Mortimer of Milford KS. She is the daughter of retired Master Sergeant James Mortimer. She is entering Kansas University to major in Biochemestry.
Sierra Mullin of Nashua, NH. She is the daughter of retired Master Sergeant Edward Mullin. She is entering the University of New Hampshire in Durham.
Rachel Nelson of Colorado Springs, CO. She is the daughter of Colonel retired Brent Nelson. She is a senior at Creighton University majoring in Biology.
Megan Niemi of Charlottesville, VA. She is the daughter of retired Master Sergeant Sean Niemi. She is a junior at VA Commonwealth University studying Business and Finance. Christopher Olmstead of Buford, GA. He is the son of former Captain Margaret Olmstead. He is a junior at Kent State University in Kent, OH majoring in Applied Engineering.
Eli Ornelas-Lopez of Conroe, TX. He is the son of former Specialist Herman Lopez. He is a junior at Baylor University majoring in Sociology.
Morgan Peterson of Shares Chapel, TN. She is the daughter of retired First Sergeant Trevor Peterson. She is a senior majoring in Natural Resources Management at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC.
Brianna Reyes of Killeen, TX. She is the daughter of retired Staff Sergeant Guadalupe Reyes. She is a senior at the University of North Texas majoring in Regional Studies.
Angela Rideout of Newburgh, ME. She is the daughter of Chief Warrant Officer 4 Michael Rideout serving with 52d Troop Command in ME. She attends U of Maine studying Nursing. Rachel Rodriquez of Waianae, HI. She is the daughter of former Sergeant Trinidad Rodriques. She is a junior at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA.
Lacey Rouse of Dimondale, MI. She is the daughter of retired Staff Sergeant Jeffrey Rouse. She is a junior at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, MI.
Orianna Smithson of Lewisport, KY. She is the daughter of retired Specialist Daniel Smithson.
She is a sophomore majoring in Art & Design at Savannah College of Art and Design.
Aubrey Snyder of Fowler, MI. She is the daughter of retired Staff Sergeant William Snyder. She is entering Saginaw Valley State University in Saginaw, MI.
Mikaela Sobolik of Dumfries, VA. She is the daughter of Master Sergeant Patrick Sobolik serving with the Army Band at Ft Myer, VA. She is studying Dance at Wright State University in Dayton, OH.
Haley Timmons of Leander, TX. She is the daughter of Master Sergeant Kevin Timmons with the 69th ADA Brigade at Ft Hood. She will enter the University of North TX to study Physics. Neakail Tolbert of Ft Hood, TX. He is the son of Master Sergeant Stanley Tolbert with the 54th Quartermaster Company at Ft Lee, VA. He is a junior at Johnson & Wales University studying Graphic Design & Multimedia.
Madison Varnadore of Lineville, AL. She is the daughter of retired Staff Sergeant Rebecca Smith. She is entering Auburn University in the fall.
Ericka Westbrook of Lithia Springs, GA. She is the daughter of former Sergeant Cynthia Murdock. She will enter Spelman College in Atlanta majoring in Chemistry and Biology. Zane Bull of Douglas, WY. He is the son of retired Sergeant Mario Bull. He is a sophomore majoring in Psychology at Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Joshua Joe of Korea. He is the son of Captain Joseph Joe serving with the 36th Signal Battalion in Korea. He is a sophomore majoring in Global Studies at UNC Chapel Hill.
The Army Scholarship Foundation was founded in 2001 by concerned Army veterans who desired to continue their service to the Nation and to support and assist families of Army soldiers. The Army Scholarship Foundation provides scholarships to deserving sons and daughters of US Army soldiers and Army veterans, as well as to spouses of serving active duty enlisted soldiers. The Foundation is sustained by the generous donations of its supporters. Tax deductible donations can be sent to the Army Scholarship Foundation, 1700 Preston Road, Suite 660-301, Dallas, Texas 75230 or on line at www.ArmyScholarshipFoundation.org.
Aubrey Snyder of Fowler, MI. She is the daughter of retired Staff Sergeant William Snyder. She is entering Saginaw Valley State University in Saginaw, MI.
Mikaela Sobolik of Dumfries, VA. She is the daughter of Master Sergeant Patrick Sobolik serving with the Army Band at Ft Myer, VA. She is studying Dance at Wright State University in Dayton, OH.
Haley Timmons of Leander, TX. She is the daughter of Master Sergeant Kevin Timmons with the 69th ADA Brigade at Ft Hood. She will enter the University of North TX to study Physics. Neakail Tolbert of Ft Hood, TX. He is the son of Master Sergeant Stanley Tolbert with the 54th Quartermaster Company at Ft Lee, VA. He is a junior at Johnson & Wales University studying Graphic Design & Multimedia.
Madison Varnadore of Lineville, AL. She is the daughter of retired Staff Sergeant Rebecca Smith. She is entering Auburn University in the fall.
Ericka Westbrook of Lithia Springs, GA. She is the daughter of former Sergeant Cynthia Murdock. She will enter Spelman College in Atlanta majoring in Chemistry and Biology. Zane Bull of Douglas, WY. He is the son of retired Sergeant Mario Bull. He is a sophomore majoring in Psychology at Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Joshua Joe of Korea. He is the son of Captain Joseph Joe serving with the 36th Signal Battalion in Korea. He is a sophomore majoring in Global Studies at UNC Chapel Hill.
The Army Scholarship Foundation was founded in 2001 by concerned Army veterans who desired to continue their service to the Nation and to support and assist families of Army soldiers. The Army Scholarship Foundation provides scholarships to deserving sons and daughters of US Army soldiers and Army veterans, as well as to spouses of serving active duty enlisted soldiers. The Foundation is sustained by the generous donations of its supporters. Tax deductible donations can be sent to the Army Scholarship Foundation, 1700 Preston Road, Suite 660-301, Dallas, Texas 75230 or on line at www.ArmyScholarshipFoundation.org.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Rest In Peace, David Neal Muir Sr.

Obituary and Arrangements
On August 7th, the world lost a loving and dedicated husband, dutiful father, and joyous grandfather, as David Neal Muir, Sr. passed from this world.
The son of Donald David and Effie Muir, Neal, as he was known by family and friends, grew up in New Waterford, Ohio, with his parents and 4 siblings. As a young man, Neal did a lot to help with the family businesses. He would get up in the early hours before school to make runs to the local distributor so that their family store would have stock on the shelves. Neal also aided his father in starting the family mobile-home business.
Neal graduated from high school in 1965 and was the recipient of the E.W. Bliss scholarship for academic achievement and attended a year at Youngstown State University. In 1966, Neal received a letter of endorsement from U.S. Senator Wayne Hays to attend one of the most prestigious institutions in America, the United States Military Academy also known as West Point. After a West Point vs. Pitt football game his life would change forever when he met a young nursing student by the name of Mary Alice Merritt, the woman he would cherish for the rest of his life.
Neal graduated from West Point in 1970 as an Armor Officer and married Mary Alice three weeks later. Together, they traveled to Germany for Neal’s first duty station, and started their family with their first of 3 sons, David, Jr. After three years abroad, the young Muir family traveled to Ft. Hood in Texas to end his military career.
After separating from the Army as a First Lieutenant, Neal and Mary Alice moved to Pittsburgh and had their second son, Jeffery Allen, and third son, Thomas Austin. They then moved to Virginia after Neal joined the Patent and Trade Office, where he served as a patent examiner for 25 years. Neal and Mary Alice would continue to “adopt” their additional sons, Jamie Toms, Timothy Emrick and David Conroy, into their family over the years.
As a father, Neal was stern, but fair. He raised his sons to be hard working, respectful, and contributing members of society. Neal instilled a dedication and love for country into his boys, with David Jr., following in his footsteps and joining the Army National Guard. He also loved to work with his boys and the various sports teams they played on. From coaching and reffing soccer, to allowing a few more dents on the siding trying to teach one of his sons how to pitch, Neal loved every minute of it. When they started to play football, Neal’s voice was the only distinguishable one heard on the field from the stands. Often times, kids on the field would ask, “Who is that?!?” Only for their boys to respond, “That’s my Dad.”
In 2000, Neal’s first grandson was born. This transition from “Dad” to “Pap Pap” gave him so much joy. As more grandchildren entered the family, his eyes seemed to shine that much brighter. Neal was proud of his kids, and the men that they grew to be.
Neal is survived by his wife of 46 years, Mary Alice, his three sons David Jr. (Amy Michelle), Jeff (Tory), Tom (Melissa) and seven grandchildren, whom he cherished deeply. May he rest in peace.
For those who are available and interested, here are the arrangements for Neal Muir’s viewing, service and location for being laid to rest.
Viewing: Tuesday August 16, 2016
Location: Money & King Funeral Home - 171 Maple Ave W, Vienna, VA 22180
Time: 5PM – 8PM
Location: Money & King Funeral Home - 171 Maple Ave W, Vienna, VA 22180
Time: 5PM – 8PM
Service: Wednesday August 17, 2016
Location: Money & King Funeral Home - 171 Maple Ave W, Vienna, VA 22180
Time: 12PM
Location: Money & King Funeral Home - 171 Maple Ave W, Vienna, VA 22180
Time: 12PM
At the conclusion of the service, the funeral procession will travel to Quantico National Cemetery, 18424 Joplin Rd, Triangle, VA 22172.
Interment: Wednesday August 17, 2016
Location: Quantico National Cemetery - 18424 Joplin Rd, Triangle, VA 22172
Time: 2PM
Location: Quantico National Cemetery - 18424 Joplin Rd, Triangle, VA 22172
Time: 2PM
The Future Penetration Denial Battalion - LTC (Ret) Thomas Rozman, US Army
From the author, Classmate USMA 1970 Thomas Rozman -
MG (Ret) Arora, IMR’s editor, just notified me of publication of the attached article. He edited the manuscript down to a target of 2200 words. We mutually developed the concept. It plays on development experience in the Army, monitoring further developments and kind of dovetails a bit with MG (Ret) Robert Scales’ recent article on Russian artillery in the “Washington Post”.
This is the third article IMR has published following MG (Ret) Bakshi’s request for the first article published in the May IMR. MG Bakshi is the editor of the Indian Defense Review and a prolific author.
MG (Ret) Arora, IMR’s editor, just notified me of publication of the attached article. He edited the manuscript down to a target of 2200 words. We mutually developed the concept. It plays on development experience in the Army, monitoring further developments and kind of dovetails a bit with MG (Ret) Robert Scales’ recent article on Russian artillery in the “Washington Post”.
This is the third article IMR has published following MG (Ret) Bakshi’s request for the first article published in the May IMR. MG Bakshi is the editor of the Indian Defense Review and a prolific author.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Remarks Given by Dr. Betsey Blakeslee, President of the Friends of the American Revolution at West Point, Inc., (FAR) on August 7th, 2016 on the occasion of the Dedication of the Class of 1970’s Gift to Reconnect to the Revolutionary Supply Trail (Flirtation Walk)
Remarks Given by Dr.
Betsey Blakeslee, President of the Friends of the American Revolution at West
Point, Inc., (FAR) on August 7th, 2016 on the occasion of the
Dedication of the Class of 1970’s Gift to Reconnect to the Revolutionary Supply
Trail (Flirtation Walk).
Welcome to the Class of 1970 ceremony to dedicate a
significant project that is helping to save the most extensive series of
fortifications from the American Revolution still in existence today. We are grateful
for your attendance here this morning.
This morning we honor the soldiers of the American Revolution:
an all-volunteer force of private citizens who fought bravely to lay the
framework for the establishment of democracy that ultimately resulted in
creating the strongest nation on earth, and that inspired democracy all over
the world and still does so today.
Our thanks to Chief
of Staff Colonel Wayne Green for his attendance this morning. He is
representing Superintendent General Robert Caslen who has offered his public
support for the efforts to save the fortifications at West Point. Colonel Green
has assisted personally in contributing to our success for this effort. We are
grateful to you, sir.
The West Point Class of 1970 in partnership with The Friends
of the American Revolution at West Point, the West Point Garrison and with the
support of the Superintendent of West Point, have dedicated funds to reconnect
to an historic trail in existence from the time of the revolution but closed
off for the past 25 years due to significant erosion.
This project was
chosen as one of the first to be completed for three reasons:
(1) Because reopening
this connection to the Revolutionary Supply Trail means the one quarter of Flirtation
Walk that has been closed for 25 years will be re-established, directly
enhancing the life of cadets who now use the trail primarily as a running trail
and a place to escape the daily grind;
(2) This project
allows us to designate the location and explain the history of one of the
largest batteries on the trail from the revolution: Battery Knox named for
General Henry Knox who became the commander at West Point after The Battle of
Yorktown. This battery now exists under the Lincoln Hall parking lot.
(3) This project brings significant visibility to the
efforts to save the over 30 sites from the Revolution at West Point that are
eroding and may be lost in our lifetime. As a result, we hope that your example
and the visibility of this project will inspire other classes at West Point,
and additional private donors, to contribute to the $5 – $7 million it will
take to restore the fortifications as Fort Putnam and Fort Ticonderoga have
been restored.
In addition, in nine years we will be celebrating the 250th anniversary of the advent of the American
Revolution, as well as George Washington being named Commander in Chief of the
Patriot Forces, and the establishment of the US Army. What better time to save
these landmarks for America, for our cadets and for our children and
In addition to the
Class of 1970, we have many other partners who deserve our thanks and acknowledgement:
(1) To the West Point
Garrison and the last four Garrison Commanders and their staffs and
employees who have supported these efforts in so many ways, including a
$250,000 project to save Chain Battery (where the Great Chain connected across
the river to Constitution Island), and the $150,000 it took to restore the
infrastructure of Kosciuszko’s Garden;
(2) To our partners
in the Department of History at West Point, especially the son of your
classmate Pat Sculley – LTC Sean Sculley, Chief of the American Division in the
USMA Department of Military History and PhD scholar whose research focuses on leadership
in the American Revolution, and who gave a great tour yesterday;
(3) To members of the
West Point Museum;
(4) To honorary board
member LTG Dave Palmer, past superintendent at West Point and author of
many significant books about Washington and the history of Fortress West Point,
and who has advised us tirelessly over the past 5 years;
(5) To honorary board
member General Ed Rowny, Distinguished Graduate and Class of ’41 who
established the Rowny Fund to honor Kosciuszko’s Garden, the Kosciuszko Memorial
and the fortifications designed primarily by Colonel Kosciuszko;
(7) And to the member
of the Class of ’70 Colonel Don Blakeslee who has been a really big
supporter of this project from it’s beginning and of me personally throughout
this entire process.
The project supported
by a gift from the Class of ’70 consists of three distinct initiatives:
(1) The clearing and
reconstruction of the trail that makes up over a quarter of the
Revolutionary Supply Trail;
(2) The installation of two highly engineered
steel frameworks that will be dropped in by crane to reinforce the eroded
sections of the trail; and
(3) The designation
and explanation of the history of Battery Knox which existed on this
portion of the Revolutionary Supply Trail but was covered over by the Lincoln
Hall Parking Lot in the 1980’s.
Please note that we have brought an example of the signs that will be placed on every one of the
fortifications over the next year that give the individual history of each
location. The Class of 1970 is acknowledged on each for its leadership in this
effort. This sign is being redone to include the Class of ’70 crest, which will
be on every sign as well.
After the
ribbon-cutting ceremony we will take a group photo on the stairs and Bill and
Paula Trivette have refreshments in their car in the parking lot above. I will
take people who are interested for a walk on a portion of the trail, but I
advise you not to come unless you are wearing sneakers or boots as it is a
construction site and can be dangerous. This will take about 15 minutes. The
project is scheduled for full completion in Mid October.
We thank your class officers for their support, especially President Dave Brown, Vice President John Connors,
and Treasurer Bill Cater. Thanks also to former Under Secretary of the
Army, Joe Reeder, for his personal support
of this initiative.
After the ribbon is
cut Colonel Johnson will lead us as we yell “Huzzah” three times in honor of
the official yell of the Revolutionary soldiers who worked tirelessly in the
cold and heat to build this massive fortification.
And now we ask Dave
Brown, President of the Class of 1970 to say a few words and cut the ribbon.
Ribbon is cut. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
Members of the Class
of 1970 please gather on the stairs for the official commemorative photo.
More photos of this event - here.
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