Friday, May 17, 2019

Lieutenant Scott Love - - Class Son

Dear Fellow Classmates,

Once again, the Memorial Day holiday approaches, a time when we should all pause and reflect upon and honor those many thousands of brave men and women who have worn the cloth of our nation and made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our way of life and the freedoms we all enjoy.

Memorial Day is a special holiday, a time to honor in thought and deed those who have lost their lives in combat during our nation's wars and conflicts.  Our soldiers of today continue to serve in an Army at war, and thus they are all too often in harm's way, particularly in Afghanistan and Iraq, where we have lost nearly 7000 lives, and where more will undoubtedly give their last full measure of devotion in sacrifice for us.  Their loved ones and families continue to pray and to worry about them and their safety.  Please remember those who have fallen, including our class son, Lieutenant Scott Love, and consider helping a soldier and Army family member of today by making a donation to the Army Scholarship Foundation in Scott's or another loved one's memory on the occasion of this special holiday.
Donations can be sent to Army Scholarship Foundation, 11700 Preston Road, Ste 660-301, Dallas, TX 75230 or on line at

Thank you all for your service to our country, and please help us and our entire Nation to remember those we have lost, not just on Memorial Day, but throughout the year.

Jeff Gault -